Why don't I see something I am expecting to see in Sonar?

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Searching in Sonar

Sonar has a quick search feature that allows the user to search for any object, field, workflow rule, apex class, validation rule, flow, or formula field. We only sync metadata and don't have access to records, the values within fields, or other personal company salesforce data in your org.

If you are searching for a field and it is not showing up in the results and you believe that it should be, Check that the sync user have at least read access to the object/automation in Salesforce(If you are unsure who your sync user is, reach out to Sonar Support). This is controlled via Field-level Security in Salesforce. Field-level security can be accessed from the object manager on the specific field you are searching for and checking inside the "Set Field-Level Security" button. As shown below.

If the Salesforce component you are looking for is still not showing after confirming the field-level security, check that the sync user has the permission, View All Data.

The user that connects Sonar and Salesforce should have full permissions in Salesforce so that each piece of metadata can be viewed in Sonar. 

Once the user has the appropriate permission access, the issue should resolve and the information should be visible in Sonar. 

You can follow the steps on this page to reauthorize the connection with SFDC - Managing the Sync with Salesforce

If the problem persists, please contact support@seesonar.com

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