How do I connect a sandbox to Sonar?

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Connecting Sonar to a Salesforce Sandbox

If you already connected a sandbox but it currently isn't syncing, the best practice it to reauthorize that connection instead of creating a new connection. Read more - Reauthorize

Before Begining

Ensure you are signed out of all Salesforce Orgs.

Follow these steps to connect a Salesforce sandbox:

  1. Above the Quick Find click on the Salesforce Org dropdown, in the top left corner of your screen then, click on "Link new Salesforce sandbox".


  2. Log in with the Salesforce sandbox credentials you want to use

  3. Once you are logged in to Salesforce, you will be automatically redirected to Sonar. Be sure to double-check your Salesforce credential and sandbox name then click Start Sync



The initial sync will run in the background and once it's complete you will be able to see the metadata for that sandbox in Sonar. 


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