Embedding Data Dictionary View in Confluence

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As a Sonar's Data Dictionary user, you will inevitably want to share and embed a saved view inside Confluence pages.  Technical teams can use these to define processes, but they can also be leveraged by Sales or finance teams to share with non-technical users.  For example, sharing pertinent information with finance on which fields should be used in reporting.  



To begin, you can click the boxed icon next to the saved view you want to embed inside your Confluence page. 



This will generate a URL to be used inside of Confluence. You can click on the URL, and it will automatically be copied. 



Navigate to the Confluence page. Select the "+" dropdown in the navigation bar and search for "iframe".  



Select "iframe", and the settings will open on the right side of your browser window.  Paste the URL in the URL field.  Sonar recommends width settings of "100%" and Height of 600. 



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