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This page is an overview of the tags functionality in Sonar. This article contains the following sections:


Using tags in Sonar is a great way to document your work, internal business process, and external integrations. You can apply those tags to any salesforce field within Sonar. Tags can be added manually, one at a time, or in bulk from any object. 


Creating Tags

Tags can be created in two ways, through the tag configuration, or at the field level.

Tag configuration:


To create a tag, start by opening the Tags Manager. Open the tags Manager, by clicking on "Tags" in the menu panel, then click on "Configure". Once in the tag manager, you can create a new tag by filling in the tag name, owner, and description.  You can set multiple owners for a single tag to serve as a reference point for identifying any stakeholders related to that tag. Tags_Create.jpg

Keep in mind the Tag Name will be the label that shows while you navigate around Sonar so be sure to be as specific and clear as possible. The Tag Description will be shown alongside the Tag Name when you view the tag from an individual piece of metadata in Sonar.

Tags can also be created at the individual field level as well.  

create tag.png

Managing Tags

In the tag manager, you can update/delete any existing tags. Note - once a tag is deleted there is no way to get that information back. Within the tag manager, you can also use Migrate to copy all the existing Tags from one of your Sonar Orgs to another Org. The most common reason to do this is when you link a Salesforce sandbox to Sonar and you want to copy all the tags from that Sandbox Org to your linked production org.


Adding tags

You can apply tags to existing fields within Sonar individually or in bulk across a specific object. 

Tagging a Field

You can tag a field by hovering over the tag icon and selecting the tag(s) that you want to apply to that field.


When you add a tag to a specific field, any automation, apex, or report containing that field will also be shown when you view that tag. This keeps you from having to tag everything related to a field manually and instead enables you to quickly analyze where the fields within a tag are being leveraged throughout your Salesforce org.

Adding Tags in Bulk:

Fields can be tagged in bulk from the Bulk Tag section on any object in Sonar. Before bringing keep in mind currently, you can only apply tags in bulk across one object at a time. If you'd like to see a specific example check out this article - Bulk Tag Example.

  1. Start by getting the API name of all the fields you want to bulk tag across a single object. Note: API names are case-sensitive. 
  2. Next, open the object in sonar and click on Bulk Tag. Once here, paste the API names into the text box.
  3. Once you have all the API names added in the bulk tag section, you'll notice fields show either as blue or grey. Any fields that show up as grey with the 'x' icon were not found on that object and will not be tagged. If any fields aren't found be sure to check the spelling of the API name or make sure your Salesforce Org has recently synced with Sonar.

  4. Next, choose the tag you want to apply to these fields then click "Bulk Tag".
  5. After clicking "Bulk Tag" you'll get a confirmation banner. The fields will remain in the Bulk Tag section which enables you to add another tag to these fields if needed.


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