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This page provides an overview of the Timeline in Sonar. This article contains the following sections:


Timelines enable you to see what has changed in your Salesforce org over a specific date range. This feature gives users the ability to quickly view all changes that were made in Salesforce. Using Timelines, you can drill in and see exactly what was changed, the type of change that was made, and by whom. This feature also enables you to compare the old and new values of almost all your metadata within Salesforce. 

Timeline Summary

In the Timeline summary, you can view a breakdown of what was added, modified, or deleted. From here, you can adjust the Timeline date filter and include/exclude System Changes. System Changes are changes made by Salesforce when they push new updates or fixes. 

timeline summary .png

You can click on any of the numbers within the Timeline Summary to quickly filter the Timeline Detail List. 

timeline filter.png

Timeline Detail List

Within the Timeline detail list, you can export changes, search by metadata display name, drill into detailed changes, and further filter changes during the time period. 

Export changes

  • Once you've filtered the list of changes, you can click on "Export" in the header to download a .csv file of all the changes currently showing in the list. This file can then be shared with anyone within your company or further analyzed in Excel.

Drilling Down 

  • As metadata is modified within Salesforce, Sonar captures those changes and enables you to see the old and new value(s). To view the specific changes, click on the "+" icon next to the change you want to drill into. Keep in mind you won't be able to drill into any changes where the action was added or deleted since there won't be any difference to highlight. 



  • The search box returns any changes made to metadata based on matching display names. The display name is simply the non-API name of that piece of metadata, e.g., if you're looking for a change that was made to a specific field, simply type the display name of that field within the search box and click run. If you cannot find a specific change, be sure to check the date filter within the timeline summary. 


  • You can also filter within the Timeline Detailed list by Type, Change, or Modified By.

timeline filter 2.png


Note: The date stamp in the Timeline details list is the date of when the sync between Salesforce and Sonar was run, it is not the date/time of when the specific change was made. If you're actively making changes and you want to capture the most up-to-date information, you can sync manually throughout the day. 

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