Data Dictionary

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Sonar’s dynamic data dictionary automatically captures and enables you to apply context to your complete Salesforce metadata.

* you can create your dictionary with any piece of metadata supported by Sonar including fields, objects, flows, validation rules, process builders, etc! To go to your dictionary, just search for the specific type of metadata you are looking for. For example: if I want to create a dictionary of my flows, I can just search "flows" and it will bring up all of my flows:

Or if I want a specific object, I can just search for that! Like opportunity:

Auto documentation for Help Text & Description

With Sonar's Data Dictionary, you can update the Help Text and Description field in Sonar, and the changes will immediately be updated in Salesforce! AND Sonar can populate these values for you... 

Sonar will read the context of the field and suggest a definition or help text, and all you need to do is confirm the text if you like it or make your changes!

Notes & Definition

These fields are specific to Sonar and are meant to be a place where you can add business context that may not be relevant in the help text or description. For example, who may be impacted by this field, or remedies to fix certain issues with a field, etc. 

Adding / Removing Columns

Use the Columns button in the top right of your screen to hide and add different pieces of information about your metadata.


Saved Views

After curating a specific view using Filters and adjusting columns, you can save this view and share it with your colleagues by click the the drop down and selecting "Save Filters as New View". 


To save the view, select the blue +. 


You can always come back to edit, rename, or delete the saved view. 



Saved views can be curated and shared with colleagues.  Next to the saved view name, you can generate a URL to share.  Access to sonar is not required to view the data in this saved view.  This URL stays the same as you modify the view removing the need to share new links.  


These view can be embedded in to Notion or Confluence pages as well. 


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